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标题: 很久没发歌了好听的舞曲发首---Holly Vealanc---Kiss kiss [打印本页]

作者: gjying123    时间: 2008-8-5 18:34     标题: 很久没发歌了好听的舞曲发首---Holly Vealanc---Kiss kiss

歌名:Kiss  kiss


      流行歌坛充斥太多同质的音乐类型和女歌手,2002年圣洁·凡蕾丝(Holly Valance)的出现,突然带来结合时尚和个性音乐的全新风格,让国际歌坛气象一新,或许称不上改朝换代,但圣洁·凡蕾丝(Holly Valance)却是澳洲继凯莉·米诺后苦等14年,唯一在世界舞台掀起巨大潮流的女歌手,这股燃烧国际歌坛的“圣洁热”不仅反映在圣洁·凡蕾丝(Holly Valance)突出的排行榜成绩,她带动的时尚旋风、结合欧陆和中东的异国音乐、出色的歌唱和舞蹈,甚至MV的打啵声都已经是欧陆媒体热切讨论的话题,GQ杂志2002年“年度风云女性”选择19岁的圣洁·凡蕾丝(Holly Valance),因为她是今年窜起最快速、最具全面震撼力的女歌手,凡蕾丝带来“圣洁”两字的全新定义——自然率性的健康性感。
  父母都是模特儿,身高172公分的圣洁·凡蕾丝(Holly Valance)是塞尔维亚和英国的混血儿,她在澳州墨尔本长大,12岁开始担任模特儿,15岁通过试镜演出澳洲肥皂剧《邻居》,饰演经常穿著校服的清纯女孩Felicity,三年来凡蕾丝凭借邻家少女形象和出色演技迅速走红英国,17岁在Human Nature的音乐影带露脸,还曾与名模娜欧蜜同台走秀。今年她步上《邻居》演员凯莉、杰森唐纳文、娜塔莉脚步,首支单曲《Kiss Kiss》将土耳其原曲做了现代感的诠释,凡蕾丝18个打啵声和备受争议的MV一举空降英国榜冠军,入围澳洲音乐奖四项大奖提名,是今年歌坛最热门的单曲之一;紧接着的《Down Boy》则在近似卡通人物Roger Rabbit的舞步中带来凡蕾丝独特的挑逗风情,又是一首英国榜亚军歌曲。风格多变的首张专辑集合Nellee Hooper(玛丹娜、碧玉)、Phil Thornalley(娜塔莉)、Rob Davis(凯莉米洛)、Bill Padley(Blue)、Cutfather(西城男孩)、Richard Stannard(辣妹)等多位英国歌坛各具代表的超级制作人共襄盛举,除了《Kiss Kiss》、《Down Boy》两首强势舞曲外,带有迷幻色彩的《Cocktails And Party》、挑逗意味浓厚的节奏蓝调曲《Naughty Girl》、清新的《City Ain't Big Enough》到《Send My Best》倾诉女孩心情呢喃等都有圣洁·凡蕾丝(Holly Valance)在音乐和唱腔呈现的多元色彩和自我个性。  


Mwah. Mwah. fVvB8
When you look at me, tell me what you see, G2

When I look at you, I wanna be, I wanna be, e8
Somewhere close to heaven, with Neanderthal man. Of

Don't go, I know you wanna touch me, here, there and everywhere,

Sparks fly when we are together, you can't deny the facts of life. Ha41Wn'tZ  
You don't have to act like a star, trying moves in the back of your car, 3uo  
But you know that we can go far, coz tonight you're gonna get my (kiss kiss).

Don't play the games that you play, coz you know that I won't run away,

Why aren't you asking me to stay, coz tonight I'm gonna give you my (kiss kiss).
You could be mine, baby, what's your star sign?

Won't you take a step into the lion's den.

I can hear my conscience calling you, calling you,

Say I'm gonna be a bad girl again.

Why don't you come on over, we can't leave this all undone,

Got a devil on my shoulder, there's no place for you to run.

If you forget, I'll remind you, if you're paranoid, I'm behind you,

If you lose your head, I'll find you, sending you my kiss.

If you forget, I'll remind you, if you're paranoid, I'm behind you,

If you lose your head, I'll find you, kiss, kiss.
Don't, don't, (kiss kiss) I, I, don't, don't,
Don't, don't, mwah, don't, don't, don't, oh yeah.

Don't have to act like a, trying moves in the back of your,

But you know that we can go, coz tonight you're gonna get my.

Ahh, ahh, mwah.

[ 本帖最后由 gjying123 于 2011-5-8 22:19 编辑 ]
作者: scfeiyang    时间: 2008-8-19 04:09

作者: ywcloud    时间: 2008-8-25 20:36

作者: 天天在一起    时间: 2008-8-29 10:42

印度老歌不过节奏确实不错 谢谢楼主发帖 加油哦~!
作者: bookamn    时间: 2008-9-2 08:07

We like these kind of music. We want to move. We want to go crazy. Oh! WoW!

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