查看完整版本: 和女友肛交次数多了会不会得病?

sqliyue 2010-3-16 21:58


ouyld 2010-3-16 22:00

楼主小心点啊  大便里面90%的是细菌你可以问医生饿

8246732 2010-3-16 22:17


大烟瘾 2010-3-17 11:12


ronald666 2010-3-17 17:25

first of all, anal sex is not necessary a sexual act that can make you sick. however, like a lot of people have said, having anal sex, if not done correct and safely, you can get nasty infections, not to mention STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), which includes AIDS.
if you don't want to use condom while having anal sex, make sure use enema before entering your girlfriend's anus.
but, still, using condom is safest way of enjoy anal sex, but the trade-off is you will lose sensation of it.
well, go ahead and weigh the pros and cons yourself.

cafg 2010-3-17 17:29

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查看完整版本: 和女友肛交次数多了会不会得病?